Identifying Obsolete Assets Within Your Organization

ADN-ZB H‰fller 13.7.79 Dresden: Integration- Die einhundertste "EC 1040"-Rechneranlage haben die Werkt‰tigen des VEB Robotron Elektronik Dresden k¸rzlich an die UdSSR ¸bergeben. Die Werkt‰tigen konnten am 30.6.79 auflerdem den 66. Monat hintereinander eine erfolgreiche Planerf¸llung melden. Elektronische Datenverarbeitungsanlagen von Robotron sind in mehr als 60 L‰ndern der Erde gefragt.

For the purpose of this article, obsolete assets are company property (material, equipment, tooling) no longer usable for its intended purpose. While the definition can be used and applied with obsolete inventory (goods for sale to customers), this article is primarily targeted at assets accountable for the company to conduct day-to-day business operations.  Company assets… Continue reading Identifying Obsolete Assets Within Your Organization

Categorized as Business

Even [Managers] are joining the Great Resignation

Did you know that company leadership is leaving companies just as fast as non-supervisory staff? VOX posted an article titled “Even Bosses Are Joining the Great Resignation,” written by Senior Data Reporter, Rani Molla. The article shares good insight on managerial leadership’s “Great Resignation” impact on their companies. Of note, the author writes: “A lot… Continue reading Even [Managers] are joining the Great Resignation

Should You Join an Industry Trade Association?

At the risk of getting straight to the point, the answer is YES. Are you familiar with your trade / industry association? Are you a part of one ? If you haven’t, here’s a few reasons why you should consider being a part of your industry association. As the recent pandemic has shown, external forces… Continue reading Should You Join an Industry Trade Association?

Collaboration and Trust | Steps to Improve Collaboration and Trust Between Industry Partners

In preparation for a potential National Education Seminar presentation, NPMA member Brandon Kriner asked the following question in our NPMA Asset Management Facebook Group: “What steps could be taken to improve collaboration and increase trust between government and contractor representatives with regards to managing government property?” What happened next was an eye opening and insightful… Continue reading Collaboration and Trust | Steps to Improve Collaboration and Trust Between Industry Partners

Essentials for Successfully Managing Equipment at a University

During last week’s Asset Management Awareness Month weekly webinar, Ms. Ivonne Bachar presented on the topic of Essentials for Successfully Managing Equipment at a University. Although I don’t work directly in an university environment, this presentation was worthwhile of any asset manager or business owner’s time. The presentation touched on four key pillars that may… Continue reading Essentials for Successfully Managing Equipment at a University