The Only Thing That Can Overcome a Persuasive Idea is a Better Idea

“The only thing that can overcome a persuasive idea is a better idea.” -Theodore S. Repplier

I like this quote by Theodore S. Repplier because it reminds me that Persuasive Idea Square_Fotorwe should continue to learn push ourselves and explore our curiosity. As we draw in a new year, I cant help but feel thankful for all of the wonderful blessings my family has received through the past year. I’ve met new friends, we’ve welcomed new members into our family, and our business ventures have grown by leaps and bounds. I couldn’t have been happier!

For that, I THANK YOU for your continued readership and support.

This year I look forward to bringing you more content, checklists, quick-start guides, videos and reviews to help you turn your entrepreneurship dream a reality. I will be investing time into creating Asset Management best practice content geared towards managing company and customer assets.

And as always, I look forward to hearing from and learning with you. Do you have any questions, comments or suggestions? I’d love to hear about it!

Until next time,


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