A Real Crisis Underlying DoD’s FIAR

If you’re an asset management professional working in or with the Department of Defense, there’s a good chance you are well aware of the looming Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness (FIAR) audit deadline quickly approaching.

A big part of this initiative is to get all DoD’s Government Property on the book, reconcile them so they are audit ready. But there is a real crisis underlying this effort: there not enough experienced Government Property Management professionals and the supply of these professionals is dwindling. – Jackie Luo

Ms. Jackie Luo wrote a great article highlighting some challenges faced within the asset management profession. I invite you to read the concise and straight-to-the-point piece here.

Here’s a short summary:

  1. Aging Workforce; property [asset] management positions have declined.
  2. There is a lack of candidates ready/able to fill the optimal contract specialist positions ratio.
  3. Defense contractors share similar challenges.

I share this because no matter the industry, no one is exempt from facing similar challenges. Has your company, organization, and/or agency deeply analyzed its manpower requirements? How do you adequately staff your organization?

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