Finding Your Vibe, Corporal Jared Sterk, USMC

The Bronx Chronicle Featured Veteran: Jared Sterk In my regular column I have sought out veterans to share their stories and recognize the services they provide. This week’s featured Veteran is Corporal Jared Sterk of the United States Marine Corps (USMC). Jared was born and raised in Old Tappan, New Jersey. He currently works at… Continue reading Finding Your Vibe, Corporal Jared Sterk, USMC

Creating Sustainable and Interesting Content Your Audience Will Appreciate

Creating Sustainable and Interesting Content Your Audience Will Appreciate Businesses, groups and individuals like myself all publish articles and/or blog posts with some intention behind it. We want to share our point of view, or some other relevant information to others. Our content and goal may vary greatly, but at the end of the day,… Continue reading Creating Sustainable and Interesting Content Your Audience Will Appreciate