Try These Tips to Keep Your Cool at Home

As the world fights to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, some of us are fortunate enough to leverage technology and work remotely from home. This change poses new challenges as we navigate to our end goal – to be as effective and healthy as possible. I’ve compiled a few tips, derived from a GovExec article titled “Try These Tips to Keep Your Cool at Home.”. I’ve supplemented the tips with some suggestions and links you and your team/family may find useful.

Some of the tips are the familiar evidence-based strategies such as eating healthy, exercising, and sleeping. Here’s some expanded and direct resources for your consideration. 

Other mental and social strategies to combat stress and anxiety:

  • Reevaluate and build healthy relationships by increasing the ratio of positives to negatives. Don’t know what I’m talking about? Check out the following video:

Are you a parent, grandparent, uncle, aunt, older friend? The article also shares 4 tips for “pandemic parenting.” Of note, here’s four tips you may consider:

If you have any additional tips, suggestions or comments to share, please feel free to share. We are all in this together and every bit helps.

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