New Year’s Resolution for Your BUSINESS!

Every year millions of us make new years resolutions aspiring for a new beginning. In fact, statistics show 45% of Americans make resolutions annually. Resolutions are a way to wipe the slate clean, and hopefully accomplish some of our new (or very old) goals. Here’s a list of the top 10 New Years Resolution for 2015:

Top Ten Resolutions for 2015

If you’re like me (smart, funny, handsome and all things great), you may notice these resolutions can be very beneficial to your business. Let’s dive right into how your business can incorporate some America’s top resolutions for the new year.

Lose Weight

Probably the number one resolution for the past few decades right? You might be wondering “How can my business lose weight?” Put that baby on a diet! Carefully evaluate what you acquire for your business. On the tail end, shed some excess by getting rid of things your business doesn’t need. Here’s some tips:

  • Get rid of excess or obsolete equipment
  • Conduct a value stream map and remove non-value added steps
  • Reduce inventory and eliminate non-profitable products or services

Getting Organized

This one is a pet peeve of mine. As an automotive hobbyist and woodworking business owner, I appreciate the value of having a place for everything, and everything having its place. It’s saved me a TON of time and effort to know exactly where my tools are, and when the projects are due. By comparison, I’ve had numerous headaches and mishaps caused by failure to locate the right tool for the job. Don’t let that be you! =) Here’s some organizational tools and tips your business can incorporate this year:

  • Create a business and marketing plan for this year, complete with milestones and measurable objectives
  • Adopt productivity apps. Some apps can help you collaborate with your peers and coworkers, communicate with clients, schedule your social media posts, and keep track of your expenses.
  • Physically organize your office

Related Content: How to Plan Your Content Calendar

Spend Less, Save More

The Marine Corps has taught me to do more with less. That’s not to suggest we preferred getting rid of stuff. Typically, in my experience, we didn’t have much to begin with so we had to improvise and make due with what we had. Here are few ways your business can spend less and save/invest more during the new year:

  • Reduce waste by acquiring only the essentials. Sure, it’s nice to have the new shiny toys and stay at the industry’s leading edge; but have you considered the break even point for that shiny new toy? Can you measure the added value for this new acquisition? If so, is the purchase worth the expense? How long before the new item(s) pays for itself?
  • Reuse and repurpose old equipment. Do you have something that can serve a separate purpose? If so, it may be more beneficial than purchasing a new item.
  • Invest in efficiency. Is this the year you can replace an aged or obsolete piece of equipment for a newer and more efficient one? Perhaps trading your copy machine, scanner and fax for a multi purpose three-in-one machine can save space in your new office. Can you reduce operating costs by ditching your old delivery truck and leasing a newer, fuel efficient vehicle?

Enjoy Life to the Fullest

Talk about a generalized blanket statement. The statement isn’t specific, however, its broad enough that we can custom tailor it to our needs. How can your business enjoy its life to the fullest?

  • Consider sponsoring a cause that’s near and dear to your heart. For example, consider participating/hosting/attending an industry symposium. An Asset Management professional I participate in the National Property Management Association National Education Seminar and regional education seminars. This is a great opportunity to travel for work, network with other professionals in the industry, and share best practices within our industry.
  • Enjoy the feedback from every satisfied customer
  • Appreciate the media accolades and peer success feedback
  • Send uplifting and personal notes to your clients, customers and vendors to let them know you appreciate their support

Staying Fit and Healthy

Want to compete with the best of them? Here’s some tips from’s article, 6 Ways to Whip Your Business Into Shape:

  • Anticipate which products or services may be best sellers
  • Plan promotions
  • Add flair to packaging
  • Reassess shipping tactics

Learn Something Exciting

All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy.

Don’t let your business grow stale, give it some stimulation! I’m a big advocate of sticking with what works, understanding your core New-Year_Resolutions_list_Square_Fotorbusiness and where your moneymakers are. With that said, just like you and me, our businesses can benefit from something exciting as well. Teach your business something exciting. For example, market research is showing signs that visual content such as infographics and videos are far more reaching than other forms of marketing. So much so that over the past year many of my peers have made video content (and podcasting) a priority.

Do you have any Business New Year’s Resolutions? Any additional tips or suggestions? Comment below, we’d love to hear about it.



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